Live Checkrides!

Ready to signup for your LIVE CHECKRIDE?

We offer full live checkrides (via SKYPE, WHATSAPP, PHONE, and JOINME).

What a simulated Checkride is….

You will be connected with one of our Examiners / Chief Pilots who specializes in conducting stagechecks and checkrides at Part 61 and Part 141 flight schools.  Expect to spend 3-5 hours with our instructor who will give you a FULL Checkride (ORAL exam plus go over flight maneuvers and prep your for the flight portion of the test).    After completing the simulated checkride with our Examiner you will be fully prepared for what you can expect on the day of your real FAA Checkride.

How does the Examiner connect with me?

Our examiners will conduct the full checkride with you electronically (preferably with you near a desktop or laptop computer) so they can screen share material with you and ask you questions on all of the topics that will be covered during your FAA checkride.

How do I schedule my LIVE CHECKRIDE?

Click on the link here, or go to SCHEDULE YOUR CHECKRIDE at the top of the page to select which LIVE CHECKRIDE package you want to purchase and schedule.  After purchasing, you will receive an activation code.  Email that code and your requested schedule times to [email protected] , and we will set you up with one of our Examiners.